Thursday, 18 October 2007

Dorchester and Abingdon

start: Oxford, The Plain [SP522060]
finish: Oxford, The Plain
distance: 43 km

Very flat route in the Thames Valley. You cross the river at Dorchester which involves following a footpath for a short stretch, the turn-of is easy to miss! Furthermore there are some bits on actual dedicated cycle path, yes they do exist in Oxfordshire.

Route map:
Dorchester and Abingdon, elevation profile This route is also published on MapMyRide


Franz Huber said...

This is a lovely route, but some people might be interested to hear that several sections are not that great for road bikes (it is possible to go by road bike in dry conditions, but too bumpy/dirty, risk of punctures).

Fraggle1001 said...

Hi - the route details don't appear to be on this page ? No annotation on map - just moved to oxfordshire so looking for new routes.